Continuing Professional Development
Here's where I share the learning I've recently completed. I choose and complete learning activities from different relevant organisations. This helps to challenge the way I work and further develop and inform my understanding of different lived experiences.
"Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Mahatma Gandhi
I completed the following learning activities - these include, for example: modules, workshops, lectures:
Understanding Autism
Autism, stress and anxiety
Autism: supporting families
Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum
Autism and Communication
Autism and Sensory Experience
GDPR Compliance in Private Practice
Autism and SPELL in Higher Education
​From Crisis to Freedom ​- Prof Emmy Van Deurzen
'Normal' and 'abnormal' eating in a world of plentiful food
Maggie Turp
Queer therapy: where we've come from and where we're going
National Counsellors Day Conference
Befriending your Anxiety - an Existential perspective
Doing practitioner research: a case study in the use of subjectivity
An investigation into UK-based transgender clients' experience of counselling
How to be at ease with your body
A conversation with Dr Elinor Greenberg - About Narcissism, Borderline and Schizoid Disorders
Reflective Journalling for self-awareness and Personal Development
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Dysmorphophobia
Taking 'Risks' in Therapy
Public speaking course workshop
Acceptance and Commitment therapy
Working with Interpreters
Supporting Returners from Maternity Leave Psychotherapeutically
Building relational depth with traumatised clients
Applying Attachment Theory and Research on Day-to-Day Counselling Practice
Disability and therapy: Common Myths​​​