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Continuing Professional Development

Here's where I share the learning I've recently completed.  I choose and complete learning activities from different relevant organisations. This helps to challenge the way I work and further develop and inform my understanding of different lived experiences. 


"Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Mahatma Gandhi


I completed the following learning activities - these include, for example: modules, workshops, lectures:




  • Understanding Autism


  • Autism, stress and anxiety 


  • Autism: supporting families


  • Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum


  • Autism and Communication


  • Autism and Sensory Experience


  • GDPR Compliance in Private Practice



  • Autism and SPELL in Higher Education



  • ​From Crisis to Freedom ​- Prof Emmy Van Deurzen 



  • 'Normal' and 'abnormal' eating in a world of plentiful food

  • Maggie Turp


  • Queer therapy: where we've come from and where we're going

  • ​

  • National Counsellors Day Conference


  • Befriending your Anxiety - an Existential perspective


  • Doing practitioner research: a case study in the use of subjectivity


  • An investigation into UK-based transgender clients' experience of counselling


  • How to be at ease with your body


  • A conversation with Dr Elinor Greenberg - About Narcissism, Borderline and Schizoid Disorders


  • Reflective Journalling for self-awareness and Personal Development


  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Dysmorphophobia


  • Taking 'Risks' in Therapy


  • Shame


  • Public speaking course workshop


  • Acceptance and Commitment therapy


  • Working with Interpreters


  • Supporting Returners from Maternity Leave Psychotherapeutically


  • Building relational depth with traumatised clients


  • Applying Attachment Theory and Research on Day-to-Day Counselling Practice


  • Disability and therapy: Common Myths​​​

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